Nog's Blog and all things American Curl!!

Welcome to Nog's blog and his Amercian Curl World!

This blog is where Nog will share his many adventures and keep everyone updated on any Amercian Curl news in the Alexandrite home!

Monday, 30 May 2011

Nog and Mojo - all worn out!!

Nog and Mojo were worn out yesterday after helping Andy lay the floor in the new extension!

When I say helping what I meant was they were in everything!! Nog tried every piece of plastic to see how it tasted and was it to his liking. He was so pleased with himself when he found a large piece of sellotape and he ran out of the room with his tail in the air :-)

Mojo loved running through the wood shavings, which got stuck in her tail and pants and then proceeded to drop it all around the house. Well done Mojo!

So they spent the afternoon recharging and Nog got a his ears washed again!

Wash time...

Sleepy time...


CB said...

He is so cute and adorable.xxxx

Alexandrite Siberians said...

Thanks mum, he is a sweetie :-) xx